PostDocs lost in Interdisciplinarity

31.01.2025, 12:00 - 14:00

UL6, Room 3071


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PostDocs lost in Interdisciplinarity

Careers and Profiles - Digitality and Digital Methods in the Humanities, Cultural Studies, and Social Sciences

Academic orientation, interdisciplinary networks, and suitable job profiles are essential building blocks for academic careers. Postdocs in interdisciplinary research with a focus on digitality and digital methods in these fields often face the challenge of shaping their own paths without clear career trajectories or profiles and relevant professional networks. Common questions that arise include:

  • What is my academic denomination/specialization?
  • What job profiles exist for professorships, research assistants/associates, coordination positions, etc.?
  • How do I find a research environment where I can further develop my interdisciplinary profile?
  • Are there alternative career paths beyond traditional discipline-specific ones?

We offer two (partial) answers: The IZ für Digitatlität und digitale Methoden am Campus Mitte is building an interdisciplinary research infrastructure! And we are not alone!

Therefore, we would like to invite you to a PostDoc networking event where we aim to address these questions together.

Registration: by January 24th, 2025

What do you bring? What can you expect?
A 2 minute introduction about yourself & your research profile Exchange of experiences & perspectives
Questions regarding the development of your personal research profile Interdisciplinary networking with a focus on digitality & methods at Campus Mitte
Ideas for our network Cookies :-)!