Large Language Models (LLM)
Working groups at the IC D2MCM research and develop specific topics in the areas of digitality and digital methods. Members of HU Berlin can participate. If you're interested, just drop by one of the upcoming working group meetings!
Members of the working group
Alan Akbik, Melanie Althage, Paul Bayer, Nicole Dresselhaus, Gerd Graßhoff, Torsten Hiltmann, Robert Jäschke, Sven Kraus, Jan Krämer, Anselm Küsters, Kilian Lüders, Olga Maksymiuk-Mlynarczyk, Roland Meyer, Gregor Middell, BBAW, Clemens Neudecker, SBB, Vladimir Neumann (SBB), Carolin Odebrecht, Mariia Razguliaeva, Philipp Schneider, Konstantin Schulz, Anna Sophia Tiedeke, Claudia Tiersch
Former Members: Martin Dröge, Sophie Eckenstaler
The working group aims to explore the potential and possible applications of large language models, especially in text-based sciences. We plan to achieve this through joint experimentation and practical testing, starting with the identification of semantic citations in various corpora, which raises both content-related and epistemological questions for discussion. At the same time, we anticipate a broad range of possibilities for future use.
General Information
WG-Spokesperson: Torsten Hiltmann
IC-Contact: Melanie Althage
Language: German/English
Zoom-ID: 68395936078
Zotero link: Bibliography