RIDSCH Network
The Research Institutions in Digital Social and Cultural studies and Humanities Berlin/Brandenburg network sees great potential in a stronger networking of key stakeholders in the field of digital cultural, social, and humanities studies in the Berlin area. Our local research landscape is very broad and diverse on this topic, which is the reason for building the RIDSCH network.
All news from the network will be communicated to you via a newsletter.
Joint event calendar of the RIDSCH Network
A key component of networking is events that allow us to come together and exchange ideas. We therefore collect events from participants in the RIDSCH network and publish them in a joint calendar. An overview of upcoming events of the RIDSCH network is provided in the events section of the IC D2MCM.
To subscribe to the public SOGo calendar using WebDAV, please copy the following link and add it to your preferred calendar or e-mail client according to the client’s configuration options: WebDAV-ICS-URL. This read-only subscription ensures that you receive all updates automatically, depending on your synchronization settings.
How to report new events
Events from the RIDSCH network are collected by members of the network in a structured manner via a GitLab repository and then distributed via the IC D2MCM website and a SoGo calendar that can be subscribed to. Every member of the network is cordially invited to report new events. Simply follow the instructions in the readme of the repository. If you have any questions, please contact the IC team.
Please note: If you would like to regularly report events via the joint event calendar but do not yet have a GitLab account, please contact the IC D2MCM team once via mail to gain access to the repository. Afterwards events can be submitted flexibly. Detailed information on the process can be found in the GitLab repository.